This morning in SALT Club, we discovered that God protects his people in a way that no superhero can.
One example of this was what happened to the Israelites after they left Egypt and came to the Red Sea. God told Moses to hold out his staff and the water parted to make room for God's people to cross the sea on dry ground!What would it have been like to walk across dry land with two massive walls of water surrounding you? Would you have been able to see all the fish and other creatures swimming around next to you? What would happen if you put your hand into the water? How would you feel? Excited? Scared? Confused? Worried? The more important question is what would you say to God? Would you thank God for looking after you? Or is it just his job to keep you safe so it doesn't matter if you forget to say thanks to him?
God might not part seas for us to walk through everyday, but he does protect us just like the Israelites. He gives us food to eat, warm houses to live in, shelter to keep us dry on cold rainy days and he stays with us each and every day.
Our challenge this week is to remember to say thank you to God for looking after us each day. We can do this by praying a very simple prayer and filling in the blank: "Thank you God for looking after me today when........ Amen".